Sunday, August 3, 2008

Family Church

We had church at our house today. I led worship and my 76 year old grandpa preached. My grandparents are missionaries to Jamaica. I know that sounds like a dream ministry, but it is not as glamorous as it sounds. They live in a very poor area and very disconnected from the outside world. Someday I would like to visit to get a clear understanding of what they endure for the cause of Christ. They have been here in California for the past two weeks. The stayed a few days with me, my brother and sister. It has been fun spending time with them. It has been almost 5 years since we have seen them. Grandpa is constantly reading, with I can't do since I fall asleep when a book touches my hand. We have had many challenging discussions about God and doctrine. I love to debate or at least discuss topics that challenge your thinking and build your resolve to uphold those beliefs that I have been taught my whole life.

So grandpa preached today and David gave his "word for the Lord". Then we had a BBQ and award ceremony for all my nieces and nephews who home school.

I am so thankful that I have a godly heritage that I am determined to pass on to my daughter.

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